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Install hombrew for mac 10.6

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If you'd like to install with Homebrew, pleaseīrew install -cask emacs-mac or brew install -cask emacs-mac-spacemacs-icon This build has many features, a great number of which are particularly helpful for Mac users. Report-emacs-bug USING THE OFFICIAL BUILD as such.

It is also reproducible with official ones), report it using M-x Specific to the Mac port, then please report it Otherwise (i.e., Official builds such as X11 or NS (Cocoa).

If you find a bug, then please try to reproduce it with some So if it is good enough for you, then you don't need to try Later already contain the official GUI support via the NS (Cocoa) GUI support for Mac OS X 10.6 - macOS 11.

This is 'Mac port' addition to GNU Emacs 27.